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Fiat 500 Tender Two electric beach buggy


Spend your life near the beach? Well, the Fiat 500 Tender Two could be for you.

It's a variation on the new Fiat 500 by Italian car design firm Castagna and based on the original Fiat beach buggy - the Fiat 500 Jolly. This version removes the doors, tailgate and roof, with the side sills raised and reinforced, a canvas roof used (should you get a shower in your beach paradise) and the interior and cargo bay finished in teak with wicker and blue upholstery.

Oh yes - and it's been converted into a nippy electric vehicle, capable of clocking up 80mph and with a range of 86 miles between charges. No specific price, as each one is made individually, drop the company a line should you ever find yourself in the sun and in the money.

Find out more at the Castagna website

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Check out these videos of electric cars. There is also really good information on the Kentucky electric car plant

Fiat Australia Guy

Yes, not built by Fiat so will everyone stop riging me at Fiat and asking how much and delivery time. On a good note, the car looks good and would do well if the price was less then a honda or toyota hybrid. $30,000 AUD Maximum

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