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Monday, March 3, 2008

Washington Post: Women are Dumb!

Posted By on Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 8:28 AM

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The Washington Post published an illuminating opinion piece Sunday by author Charlotte Allen that should lay to rest any doubts about the equality of the sexes.'We scream, We swoon. How dumb can we get?' asks the title of Allen's article. 'Pretty fucking dumb!' answers Allen enthusiastically. She begins by writing that women's support for Barack Obama stems from their libidos and things just get truthier from there. Women's brains are "permanently occluded by random emotions." She writes that Hilary Clinton's campaign has been "marred by every stereotypical flaw of the female sex." These flaws include complaining, whining and weeping. Oh, she also put the "audience to sleep with minutiae about her health-coverage mandate." Health care? Bo-riiiiiiing. (click 'more')

Allen draws support for her argument from the same sources any respected academic would -- the New York Times Best Seller List and Gray's Anatomy -- concluding that the popularity of the medical drama and Elizabeth Gilbert's book Eat, Pray, Sleep are proof that women are drooling, emotional idiots. In case that argument hasn't motivated you to pen a petition to repeal the 19th Amendment, Allen points to a number of studies that show women are bad drivers (gays suck at driving,too, naturally) and that test scores prove our IQ's are lower than our male counterparts. Still have some lingering doubts about whether or not women should be allowed to leave the house unsupervised? Allen proclaims loftily that she can't "add 2 and 2", doesn't "even know how many pairs of shoes I own" and "coasted through life and academia on the basis of an excellent memory and superior verbal skills." Yeah, I've never placed much importance in having an excellent memory or superior verbal skills either. The conclusion derived from all this damning evidence? Women should relax and "revel in the things most important to life at which nearly all of us excel: tenderness toward children and men and the weak and the ability to make a house a home." I'll make you a deal, Allen. You hold your breath until I decide to stay home and take care of my man and child, and I'll hold my breath until news outlets like the Washington Post decide it's inappropriate to publish articles whose thesis is "Women are stupid." See you at the finish line! -Andy Wright

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Andy Wright


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