Dec 3 2007Guitar Hero: Touchscreen & Magnetic Switch


Just last week I posted a guitar modded with an LCD screen, and now a modder that goes by Cyberpyrot has added a touchscreen and magnetic switch to a Guitar Hero III guitar. The touchscreen just shows whateve is on the TV, but since it takes up the space of the normal strum bar he added a magnetic switch under the body so that you play the bitch with a magnetic pick instead! You can also brush you fingers across the screen to control the whammy bar.

The mod took "about 3 days to make, and it wasn't really expensive: $108 for Guitar Hero III, $77 for the LCD, $44 for the touch panel and about $30 for miscellaneous items."

Next the dude wants to add optics to the system so it can play itself. And if there's one thing that's fun about video games it's watching them play themselves while you do jack-shit. Whee!

A couple more pictures after the jam session.



Guitar Hero III Guitar Modded with Magnetic Switch and Touch Screen [gizmodo]

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Reader Comments

Let's not forget about the one that went through the blender haha! This is a bit of an overkill but then again one I would NOT put through the blender.

They need one my dog can play... this would be impressive but I would not put it passed them.

I'm always a fan of DIY technology. Neat ingenuity and creativity. Rock on!

What is the deal with this Guitar Hero? I don't get it. If you're going to invest the time in learning something guitar like, why not learn to play....THE GUITAR? Guaranteed to get waaaaay more action with the ladies. Stupidest concept on earth and proves that Americans are the morons the world thinks we are.

@Amy: because the people playing Guitar Hero doesn't want to learn how to play a real guitar, dumbass. That's the deal.

It's just a game, a game you can be good at after about an hour of playing. Learing to play the real guitar isn't only a lot more expensive, it's also hell of a lot harder.

A couple of suckers thinks that Guitar Hero turns them into Satriani but most of us playing Guitar hero does it because it's a fun way to spend some time.

What is the deal with these First Person Shooters? I don't get it. If you're going to invest the time in learning something gun like, why not learn to shoot *real* people with...GUNS? Guaranteed to get waaaaay more action with the ladies. Stupidest concept on earth and proves that Americans are the morons the world thinks we are.

Do you see what I did there?

4 & 5, nice! I put a clip of the South Park episode about GH on youtube and got so many moronic comments. Many people (like #3) assume Guitar Hero players think they're playing a guitar emulator as opposed to a GAME!

Martin and Personal Robot Jesus, I love you. Next time my hand is cramping from playing Guitar Hero for one too many hours, I will think back on your wise words and smile once again.

And Amy, I wouldn't say that people can't get any action as GH players. I judged the Toronto WSVG and saw plenty of cute groupies there (guys and girls). Plus, as Martin said, this is something you can teach your lust interest to do in like an hour (unlike the real guitar) so you don't have to invest a ton of time in the woo-ing phase and can get right down to your hot makeout session on the couch.

Hooray for Guitar Hero!!!

One step closer to a handheld xbox 360 soo close oo well lol and i find it funny that it gots a playstation logo on the side of the guitar hero controller lol

hi gooodnight and sweet dremes

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